Rules & Regulations for Students
1. Complete the columns of Recognition page correctly & carefully in the diary.
2. Check the school task book every day and sign when and where needed.
3. See that your child attends the school regularly and timely.
4. Children will be granted leave only in very urgent case. Application must be submitted to the class teacher written signed by father or mother before or on the joining day, otherwise he / she will be marked absent.
5. HALF DAY LEAVE IS NOT PERMITTED AT ALL. If there is an urgency or if your child is not well then it will be better not to send him to school.
6. Please pay attention to the following-
o (a) That your child has completed his / her home work given.
o (b) That your child revises the work done on the day.
o (c) See that he/she carries all the required books/copies and other writing materials before leaving for school.
o (d) That child does not carries blade ornaments/ money. In case of loss or theft, school takes no responsibility.
o (e) Class Test copy must be signed by parents.
o (f) Test copies must be deposited in the school.
o (g) School bag, copies, books etc. must be in good condition.
7. Check cleanliness of your child's uniform, teeth, nails, hair, shoes, socks etc. Morning bath must be taken every day. He/ She will be sent back if found in dirty or improper school uniform. Every Monday or any other day he/she will be checked by staff for his /her cleanliness.
8. The child should be given proper lunch box while coming to school. Do not give him/her junk food in his/her lunch box.
9. If any item found in the bag of your child does not belong to him/her must be returned to the school next day. Also he / she shall be warned so that the child does not form the habit of stealing or removing things of other students or school.
10. Loss of any item of your child in school, must be reported to the Class Teacher / Principal immediately.
11. Parents must attend the Parent - Teacher meeting to know the progress of their ward.
12. Students must come in school uniform with their parents to attend the Parent Teacher meeting.
13. Criticism of a teacher or the school should be avoided because it causes the boy / girl to lose his / her respect for the teacher or the school and results in subsequent failure to accept the authority of the school. If you have any legitimate complaint, see the Principal.
14. A student failing twice in the same class shall not be permitted to continue in the school.(IX & XII)
15. A student who comes late to school will not be permitted to attend the class and he may be sent back. He / She must come at least five minutes before the bell.
16. The Principal has the right to suspend any pupil without having to assign any reason, provided that he/she is satisfied and such step is necessary in the interest of the school.
17. Some times, you are called to meet the Principal through student and if you do not come, student's bag is kept in school which makes you compulsory to come.
18. Lastly, you ere requested to give full co-operation to the school staff and occasionally visit the school to exchange views for the benefit of the child that will be appreciated.
19. To meet the Principal, Timings are as under
o (a) Pre Primary section -9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
o (b) Primary and Secondary section- 9.00 a.m. to 10.00
20. Various competitions and activities are conducted during the session. For some competitions students are selected by the teachers.